The Okanogan County Democratic Party is an organization representing all citizens of Okanogan County who subscribe to the principles and the aims of the Democratic Parties of Washington State and the United States of America. We aim to build and maintain an effective grassroots party organization that can win local elections and maximize the Democratic vote in all elections.
We currently meet monthly via Zoom, and will be considering resuming our in-person meetings in the near future. All are welcome at our meetings. Please sign up for our newsletter to get the meeting link.
We have recommended dues of $50 per year, but it is not required to pay in order to be a member. All people who support our values and our platform are welcome. However, if you can manage it your dues payment will help us cover expenses such as paying for booth space at events, postcard printing and mailing, access to voter contact platforms and more.
We currently meet monthly via Zoom, and will be considering resuming our in-person meetings in the near future. All are welcome at our meetings. Please sign up for our newsletter to get the meeting link.
We have recommended dues of $50 per year, but it is not required to pay in order to be a member. All people who support our values and our platform are welcome. However, if you can manage it your dues payment will help us cover expenses such as paying for booth space at events, postcard printing and mailing, access to voter contact platforms and more.
WA Legislative District (LD) Map for State Congressional Representatives and State Senators
WA Congressional District(CD) Map for Federal Congressional Representatives (we all have the same two Federal Senators.)
WA Legislative District (LD) Map for State Congressional Representatives and State Senators
WA Congressional District(CD) Map for Federal Congressional Representatives (we all have the same two Federal Senators.)
As of 2022, all of Okanogan County is within WA State's 7th Legislative District (LD7), and the 4th Congressional District (CD4).
Also see : our Executive Board , Precinct Committee Officers, and our Bylaws
As of 2022, all of Okanogan County is within WA State's 7th Legislative District (LD7), and the 4th Congressional District (CD4).
Also see : our Executive Board , Precinct Committee Officers, and our Bylaws